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What your company desperately needs is NOT hybrid work - and here's why


June 4, 2024


September 27, 2024

On the record



As Charles Darwin once said, "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." And what an era of changes we are living in!

It all started a few years back when the world was fighting a mysterious virus, and work as we knew it was about to experience a seismic revolution: the hybrid work model.

It arrived like a savior, offering a simple solution to our office problems, and its allure was irresistible.

You bought into the hype, convinced your stakeholders, and started planning the shift to the new way of work. Now, a few months later, after countless hours, adjusted budgets, project groups, and brainstorming sessions, the buzz has faded, and employee satisfaction is declining. 

What went wrong?

If you’re currently questioning your life choices and the value of your hybrid work investment, you are not alone. The hard truth? The hybrid work model, and the way it is implemented by many companies, is not the panacea that was promised. 

In fact, what your company desperately needs is coordinated hybrid work.

The promise of hybrid work and its pitfalls

It was introduced as the ultimate work solution: the perfect blend of in-office and remote work designed to deliver the best of both worlds. We saw the potential for increased productivity and better work-life balance through remote work.

So we thought: why not keep these benefits while reintegrating office life's social and collaborative advantages?

 Perfect on paper, but not so much in practice.

The mask dropped after the initial euphoria of the hybrid model's rollout, and some issues emerged. 

We are not discovering that the current hybrid work model, as implemented by most companies, is essentially flawed. The solution falls short of addressing the underlying causes of employee dissatisfaction. The novelty of flexibility wears off when employees constantly shift between home and office due to inconsistent schedules, and have a hard time managing the blurred lines between work and personal life.

On top of that, we see some new forms of workplace inequality, where those more visible in the office often receive more recognition and opportunities, while remote workers might get overlooked. This system fosters resentment and undermines team cohesion. Committing to flexible work arrangements frequently leads to a disjointed and fragmented work experience, resulting in decreased morale and productivity.

women working and looking at charts on a desktop

The reality check

Coordinating between remote and in-office teams requires a level of planning and communication that most organizations are not equipped for. Managers are left juggling disparate schedules, trying to maintain team unity across different working environments. The result? Burnout, frustration, and a growing disillusionment among employees and leaders alike.

Another issue is the lack of structure in many hybrid work arrangements. Hybrid work can lead to a fragmented company culture without clear guidelines and coordinated efforts. And physical office redesign often fails to address deeper issues. A modern office space cannot compensate for team members' lack of connection and coordination. Employees require a cohesive strategy to support their hybrid work experience, not just a pleasant environment.

The deskbird advantage

So, what's the solution? 

The answer lies in rethinking the hybrid model altogether. We need a coordinated approach that goes beyond mere flexibility. deskbird's research emphasizes the crucial difference between coordinated and uncoordinated hybrid work models. 

Uncoordinated hybrid work can significantly reduce productivity and employee happiness. For example, uncoordinated schedules can lead to missed opportunities for in-person collaboration, essential for solving complex tasks and building team spirit.  On the other hand, coordinated hybrid work can increase productivity by up to one day per week per employee and improve happiness. deskbird conducted an extensive study across various industries to understand the impact of hybrid work models on productivity and employee satisfaction. 

Here are the key findings:

Productivity gains:

  • Employees in coordinated hybrid work models reported up to one extra day of productivity per week compared to those in uncoordinated models and 20% higher productivity levels.

Employee engagement:

  • 62% of employees felt more engaged and connected with their teams in a coordinated hybrid setup.
  • Regular team interactions were linked to a increase in effective collaboration.

Job satisfaction and retention:

  • A clear, simple schedule improved employee satisfaction.
  • Which led businesses with coordinated hybrid models to experience lower turnover rates and 20% higher overall performance.

Reduction in isolation:

  • Through regular team-building activities and office social events, employees have reported a reduction in feelings of isolation.

How can you implement a coordinated hybrid work model? Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Set clear expectations, with specific in-office and remote days, to reduce uncertainty, stress, and dissatisfaction.  
  2. Foster communication, and rely on good technology. Use digital tools for check-ins and team meetings and support open communication, regardless of location.  
  3. Build a strong culture: this is a key point. No matter where your team is located, everyone needs to feel part of the team. So create opportunities for social interaction in person and virtually. A strong company culture helps mitigate isolation and foster a sense of belonging. 
  4. Provide support: Educate your team and your stakeholders. Changes like this require full support from the entire company. This includes mental health support, professional development opportunities, and access to necessary technology.  


We firmly believe that hybrid work improves work-life balance. But to be 100% effective, it requires coordination, or it can quickly become a source of frustration and dissatisfaction. 

Consider implementing a coordinated hybrid work strategy, and your businesses will create a more productive work environment, fulfilling the original promise of hybrid work.

But be mindful: coordinated work is not just about redesigning office spaces or allowing remote work; it's more about creating a structured, supportive, and communicative work environment that truly meets your employees' needs. Only then can hybrid work lead to happier, more satisfied employees (who will stay with your company for years to come).

"The secret to successful hybrid work isn't flexibility alone, but how we coordinate it. True happiness at work comes from a well-oiled balance of structure and support", Ivan Cossu.

What your company desperately needs is NOT hybrid work - and here's why

Graziella Moschella

Graziella is a seasoned content marketing professional passionate about storytelling and new media. She writes about DEI, women in tech, and flexible work models. When she's not writing about hybrid work, you'll find her reading or knitting something colorful (that nobody will ever wear).

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