deskbird has strengthened its reputation and provided trustworthy insights to potential customers by joining G2 in 2022. Within less than a year, deskbird has now earned multiple recognitions from G2 as a top performer and leader in various categories.
What is G2?
G2 is a peer-to-peer review website founded in 2012 by former BigMachines employees. It is the largest and most trusted software marketplace that helps people make informed decisions based on authentic peer reviews. G2 aims to support companies to reach a broader audience, manage their spending, grow their business, and gain valuable software insights.
Awards, recognition and more
In today's world, it's becoming increasingly difficult for consumers to trust reviews due to the prevalence of pay-for-play reports and biased marketing materials. In response to this challenge, the deskbird team has teamed up with G2 to provide their customers with verified and trustworthy reviews.
Through this partnership, the deskbird team has contacted numerous customers to ask for genuine feedback on their innovative hybrid workplace management app.
The team’s hard work on creating an app that offers the best hybrid workplace management experience has paid off, as evidenced by the overwhelmingly positive reviews. Users love the deskbird app for multiple reasons, including its user-friendliness, the personalizable floor plan, the seamless integrations, the available analytics and the ever-present Customer Success Team.
G2 has taken notice of deskbird's impressive performance. In fact:
- they recognized deskbird in their quarterly reports;
- deskbird was present in the top 50 office products in the annual G2 awards;
- and it was awarded multiple badges for being a high performer and leader in the market.
On top of that G2 has created categories for softwares and a G2 category Grid that compares the market presence and user satisfaction of different companies. deskbird is currently listed in four categories, scoring very highly on the satisfaction scale, and is therefore in the Leader quadrant in all of them:
- Space management: Top 3 ranking
- Desk booking: Top 3 ranking
- Meeting room booking: Top 3 ranking
- Hybrid enablement: Category leader
deskbird is grateful to all of its customers who left a review. The company values customer feedback and has carefully considered each comment, taking note of features that could be improved and incorporating them into future updates. The deskbird team is dedicated to staying on top of the G2 Grid leaderboard and maintaining its position as a leader in the workplace management software industry.
About deskbird
deskbird is the leading software for workplace management, providing a comprehensive solution for hybrid businesses. With its fast and intuitive user experience, anyone can see who is in the office and when, plan their week and book a desk in just two clicks.
deskbird is one of Europe’s fastest-growing SaaS startups and has already been chosen by more than 5,000 offices worldwide. Customers like Schaeffler, Unicef, Vitra, Heineken, and Thyssenkrupp trust deskbird to manage desk sharing, coordinate employees' return to the office, optimize space requirements, and save costs on rent and energy.