laptop on a white desk to symbolize asynchronous work

Asynchronous work: a modern cost-saving solution for businesses


July 6, 2023


September 26, 2024

Getting started



How are you coping with the earthquake the world of work is facing? The mix of more flexibility at work and the rapid development of technology is shaking our ways of working. Work used to occur at the same place at the same time. Now, it happens anywhere, anytime. Welcome to asynchronous work(land). 

This new era requires a lot of adjustments from businesses and employees. For example, working asynchronously offers new possibilities and challenges. Non-real-time coordination gives more autonomy and freedom to team members while allowing organizations to attract global talent, satisfy employees and save costs

Yet, this is only possible if companies adapt to this working model and provide their team with the support and resources they need. Efficient online technology contributes to making this new working style successful.

Do you want to explore and learn more about this topic? As experts in flexible work, we give you a tour of this new field of opportunities and obstacles

What is asynchronous work?

Definition of asynchronous work

Asynchronous work refers to a work style or arrangement where individuals can work independently on projects without immediate or real-time coordination with others. It allows employees to work at their own pace and schedule as long as they meet deadlines and deliverables. With asynchronous work, communication and collaboration often occur through non-real-time channels, such as emails, project management tools, shared documents, or messaging platforms. Instead of relying on immediate responses or in-person interactions, individuals can access and respond to information and tasks at a time that suits them best. This working model helps them collaborate effectively, leverages individual strengths, and optimizes productivity while meeting project goals and timelines. Reducing the need for real-time coordination and enabling a more efficient workflow also allows them to embrace flexible work.

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young woman working asyncrhounously

Working asynchronously in practice

Let's imagine a finance team working on a budget analysis project for a client. With asynchronous work, team members can tackle different aspects of the project based on their expertise and availability. They may start by reviewing the client's financial data and documents, conducting in-depth analysis, and preparing initial reports. Rather than holding real-time meetings, they communicate asynchronously through shared documents and project management platforms. For instance, one staff member may analyze the balance sheet and input their findings in a shared spreadsheet. Meanwhile, another person reviews the income statement and adds their insights in a shared document.

Each team member can access and contribute to the project at their convenience, considering their personal preferences, availability, and peak productivity hours. By the established deadline, the team consolidates their findings and analyses, ensuring they align cohesively in the final financial report.

7 reasons why working asynchronously lowers your business expenses

1. Office space downsizing

Asynchronous work allows employees to work more often remotely or embrace the perks of flexible work arrangements. In parallel, organizations no longer require large office spaces and associated infrastructure. 

By reviewing the workspace needs, downsizing the office space, and optimizing the layout, finance managers can save on costs related to the physical workspace.

2. Lower energy and equipment needs in the office

Even if you keep the same workspace size, asynchronous work still decreases other costs. When your workforce isn’t working on-site daily, your energy consumption drops. For example, fewer employees in the office mean fewer laptops and other equipment being plugged in. It also means less water consumption as fewer people use the bathroom and the office kitchen (if your building has one).

If you implement a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy, you can also reduce your costs regarding corporate equipment.

✂️ Do you want to know how to optimize space and cut costs with a flexible office? Learn how you can save up to 30% with these cost-cutting ideas!

downsized office with windows and chairs

3. Better recruitment opportunities

Asynchronous work enables HR departments to tap into a broader talent pool beyond their geographical location. Consequently, businesses have a higher chance of hiring the right people than going through various candidates that don’t fit the position. Lastly, a worldwide recruitment process can also help businesses find the perfect match quicker, filling the position and the company’s needs faster.

4. Easier scalability and more efficiency

Asynchronous work allows for greater scalability and efficiency in managing financial operations.  As organizations grow or experience increased workloads, they can easily adapt by adding remote employees or expanding teams across different time zones. This scalability ensures that all tasks are managed effectively, deadlines are met, and operations run smoothly, all while minimizing additional costs associated with physical space or overtime.

5. A happier and healthier workforce

On one hand, sick notes, absenteeism, disengagement, and burnout heavily impact companies’ budgets. On the other hand, having a happy and healthy workforce helps you reduce expenses resulting from these issues. 

Working asynchronously provides an opportunity to have a better work-life balance. People have more time for their personal lives, including physical and mental health. Flexibility at work also boosts employees' happiness. On the one hand, happy workers tend to be less sick; on the other hand, they are more satisfied and engaged. 

happy employee working hybrid

6. Improved employee satisfaction and retention

Offering asynchronous work options can enhance employee satisfaction and retention, which can have financial implications. Employees who can manage their work-life balance flexibly are often more engaged and motivated. This undoubtedly leads to more productivity and reduces turnover costs. Additionally, organizations that embrace flexible work arrangements often have a positive employer brand, attracting top talent and reducing recruitment expenses.

7. Better time and operational management

Asynchronous work allows team members to optimize their workflow and eliminate time wasted due to distractions, interruptions, and unnecessary meetings. They can focus on critical tasks and allocate their time more efficiently. This advantage contributes to increasing productivity and reducing operational costs. For instance, finance managers can prioritize financial analysis, reporting, and strategic planning without being tied to traditional office hours.

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7 downsides of asynchronous work to consider

1. The increase in communication challenges and potential human mistakes

Asynchronous work relies heavily on non-real-time communication channels like emails or project management tools. This can delay receiving and responding to messages, hindering quick decision-making or timely information exchange.  Additionally, miscommunication or misunderstandings can occur when there is a lack of immediate clarification or feedback. Not having the right communication tools and strategy affects employees’ productivity, performance, and efficiency. It also increases the risk of human mistakes, which has then a direct impact on costs. 

2. The impact of less collaboration and teamwork on employees

Asynchronous work may reduce opportunities for spontaneous collaboration and teamwork. Without real-time interactions, employees may miss brainstorming sessions, quick problem-solving discussions, or the ability to bounce ideas off each other.  Moreover, building relationships, a sense of belonging, and workplace connection be more challenging without face-to-face interactions. While some people might be OK with this, others might feel isolated and even experience signs and symptoms of burnout.

3. Time zone differences and the other side of the coin

While having a team spread worldwide and working in different time zone can be a huge plus for your business, it can also create some issues. Scheduling meetings or finding overlapping working hours for real-time collaboration may be difficult. Time zone differences can also delay receiving responses or resolving urgent matters, potentially impacting productivity and decision-making.

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wall clocks on different time zones

4. The lack of immediate support and the risk of frustration

In an asynchronous work environment, employees may experience delays receiving support or assistance from supervisors or colleagues. This can be particularly challenging when facing urgent or complex problems requiring immediate attention. The absence of instant guidance may slow progress or create additional stress for employees. This directly impacts team members' feelings toward their manager, job, and workplace. Ultimately, it can cause a drop in job satisfaction and increase the risks of burnout.

5. The potential for work overload and its impact on work-life balance

Without clear boundaries and defined working hours, employees engaged in asynchronous work may find it challenging to disconnect from work. The flexibility can sometimes lead to longer working hours, as it becomes difficult to separate personal life from work responsibilities. This can result in burnout, decreased work-life balance, and potential negative impacts on your employee well-being. In other words, all the perks of working asynchronously can vanish if businesses don’t establish clear guidelines and strategies to limit these drawbacks.

6. A stronger need for self-discipline and motivation

Asynchronous work requires strong self-discipline and motivation to manage their time effectively. Without the structure of a traditional office environment or real-time supervision, some employees may struggle to stay focused and productive.

Procrastination or difficulties in managing priorities and deadlines can arise if individuals lack self-motivation and self-management skills. 

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7. The potential decrease in team cohesion and the loss of workplace connection

Employees engaged in asynchronous work without regular face-to-face interactions may experience a reduced sense of team cohesion or connection. Building trust, fostering a shared team culture, and developing strong working relationships can be more challenging in a remote work environment. 

This may impact collaboration, creativity, and overall team dynamics. Enhancing a strong corporate culture and organizing team-bonding activities becomes even more crucial to boosting workplace connection. 

Our tips and best practices for implementing asynchronous work successfully 

Define clear guidelines and expectations

Set up clear guidelines and team expectations for asynchronous work. Clearly communicate the company's policy on remote work, flexible hours, and communication protocols. Define expectations regarding availability, response times, and deliverables to ensure everyone understands the requirements and responsibilities.

Embrace digital tools and technology

Invest in reliable digital tools and workplace technology solutions that support remote collaboration, communication, and task management. This may include:

  • project management platforms;
  • video conferencing tools;
  • document sharing and editing software;
  • communication platforms. 

Ensure that employees can access necessary tools and provide training and support.

Establish effective communication channels

As mentioned, this working style requires efficient communication channels. Establish communication protocols that enable effective information sharing, collaboration, and feedback among team members. Utilize tools like the ones mentioned above to facilitate seamless communication and transparency.

Foster a culture of trust and accountability

Building trust and fostering accountability is crucial for successful asynchronous work. Encourage open communication, promote transparency, and trust employees to manage their time and tasks effectively. Focus on outcomes and results rather than monitoring every aspect of employees' work. Regularly recognize and appreciate achievements to maintain motivation and engagement.

🤯 Discover the psychological effects of micromanagement on employees. 

Set clear goals and deadlines

Clearly define goals, objectives, and deadlines for projects and tasks. Ensure that everyone understands the expectations and timeline. Use project management techniques like setting milestones, creating task lists, and tracking progress to keep projects on track. Regularly communicate updates and provide feedback to maintain alignment and accountability. Consider using AI for project management to increase the chances of reaching your goals successfully. 

Establish a supportive remote work environment

Provide the necessary resources and support for employees to work remotely effectively. This may include providing ergonomic equipment, reimbursing internet or home office expenses, and offering IT support. Encourage employees to establish dedicated workspaces and boundaries to separate work and personal life.

happy remote worker using deskbird desk booking app

Continuous evaluation and improvement

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of asynchronous work implementation and make adjustments as needed. Seek feedback from employees to understand their experiences and identify areas for improvement. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and assess the impact of asynchronous work on productivity, employee satisfaction, and business outcomes.

Address challenges and obstacles

Identify and address challenges that may arise with asynchronous work. This may include issues related to communication, collaboration, time zone differences, workloads, or cyber risk management. Implement strategies to mitigate these challenges, such as scheduling overlapping working hours for critical meetings or utilizing asynchronous communication methods like shared documents or recorded video messages.

Asynchronous work is the perfect example of flexibility in the workplace and a modern way of working. Both fully remote and hybrid teams can benefit from working asynchronously as soon as companies consider the challenges of this working style and act toward them.

The future of work is flexible. Employees are looking for more autonomy, freedom, and work-life balance. Async work gives them all this while allowing companies to lower their costs. It’s a win-win for everyone.

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Asynchronous work: a modern cost-saving solution for businesses

Paulyne Sombret

Paulyne is a highly respected expert in hybrid work. She's known for her writing on sustainability in the hybrid office, flexible work models, and employee experience. With a strong background in content and SEO, her work explores the exciting trends and latest news in the world of work.

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