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Why use an employee management system? 8 benefits for companies


December 13, 2021


October 1, 2024

Getting started



What is most important for company success? Successful organisations know that the key to having satisfied customers and a prosperous business is to have happy employees. Obviously, staff management plays a major role in reaching this goal. However, the further a firm expands, the greater the challenge to manage people. An efficient Employee Management System (EMS) is a must. An EMS provides vital support for HR teams and leaders. It aims to centralise everything related to the management of your workforce, from recruitment processes to performance reviews and leave requests. Workplaces are evolving to incorporate flexibility and digitalisation. New trends are reshuffling the world of work and the youngest generations are having a huge impact on the way things are done. HR departments and managers need to take this into account. Technology is here to help us embrace the future of work. So how can an HRMS (Human Resource Management System) benefit your business? What are the main advantages? Why can deskbird be a part of a user-friendly employee management solution?

1. Create a smooth and centralised workflow

The core idea of an Employee Management System is to build a centralised and organised database. All information regarding your staff is collected in one single place. This system is equally beneficial for companies and employees. For example, it can facilitate recruitment and then the onboarding processes for HR teams and new joiners. Another interesting aspect of an EMS is the leave and absence management platform where workers can easily bid for some time off. 

Instead of having multiple resources for each area of employee management, everything is connected and gathered in one digital solution. Among the main benefits, it improves communication, coordination and decision-making. Workflow has a strong impact on your team’s productivity, it is important to invest in tools that help make operations smooth and efficient.

➡️ How do your employees manage their hybrid timetables? Request a demo of the deskbird app and discover how they can plan their week and book their favourite workspace in a few clicks! 

Website designer creating wireframes in red ink on whiteboard
Manager determining information flow.

2. Decrease the risk of human error

Using an HR management solution reduces manual processes thanks to automation. As we discussed in our article about technology in the workplace, humans make more errors than robots. According to research, we generally make between 3 to 6 errors per hour! (source: Human Factors, Human Error and the role of bad luck in Incident Investigations, Graham Edkins via LinkedIn). For each position, minimising monotonous and low-value tasks is a priority. First, it gives your employees time to direct their attention and skills to more important missions. Second, repetition usually means boredom which often leads to a greater risk of mistakes.

Implementing automation in the workplace is a smart move to make for every company. It doesn’t necessarily mean that your employees will have less to do. Instead, they will have more time to focus on tasks with higher value, benefit from machine learning and consequently make fewer mistakes and be more efficient. Last but not least, an HRMS can help human resources to support employees in up-skilling. Giving the opportunity to increase their skill set also plays a role in decreasing the number of mistakes made.

3. Fulfil Gen. Z requirements with an HRMS

Millennials, and especially Generation Z, grew up with technology. These new generations are used to having access to digital tools that enable them to be more effective. They don’t want to lose time on paperwork and administrative tasks. Employee management software fulfills these requirements by providing them with a centralised platform where they can find everything they need.

Similar to the option of working remotely, the level of digitalisation of a company can be a magnet for talent. Millennials and Gen. Z like fast, easy and straightforward processes. Investing in an Employee Management System shows professionalism, modernity and proof of a people-centric approach. And we cannot say it enough, focusing on employees is key to success!

4. Increase productivity using an Employee Management System

How can the use of an Employee Management System improve employee productivity? Let’s talk about it! Automation and Artificial Intelligence are taking over manual processes, all information is synchronised in one place which helps with time optimisation, workflow, team coordination, and the list goes on. There is no doubt that these improvements combined can impact the overall productivity of your workforce.

Later in this article, you will see that using an EMS also positively affects employee engagement and experience. This is also vital as engaged and happy workers are usually more productive. Yes, everything is connected, just like your digital HR solution! 

➡️ Do you want to learn more about how to boost productivity? Discover 11 steps to increase your employee productivity

Two women in blazers writing on whiteboard and discussing
Manager explaining new concept to employee.

5. Track attendance and working hours

As many people now have the choice to work remotely, tracking attendance and working time has become a priority for some businesses. Indeed, the goal is not to make sure your workforce is actually working. Trust is essential in a positive workplace culture. However, you need to assure they don’t overwork

One of the few disadvantages of the home office is that many employees tend to work more than they should. This might be because they lose track of time as they are more focused, or because they struggle to establish limits. It is easier to stop working when coming on-site as everybody leaves at approximately the same time. This is different when you are at home.

A time tracker is a good way to make sure your employees perform the number of hours they are supposed to - no less, no more. If properly used, it helps create a better work-life balance and avoid burnout in the long run.

6. Increase engagement using your EMS

One of the key tools to evaluate and improve employee experience is constructive feedback. An effective people management system enables greater engagement within the company. Workers feel more entitled to give their opinion, share ideas and express how they feel. To make it easy and user-friendly, some EMSs have a suggestion box where team members can then drop their thoughts at any time. 

As we said, your workforce is your best asset for success. Therefore, you need to not only make sure they have the right tools to operate but also that they feel engaged. Having employees with low engagement is never a good sign. Here are the most essential aspects for creating employee engagement:

  • building a positive workplace culture;
  • offering purpose-driven career opportunities;
  • fostering a collaboration based on trust and recognition;
  • focusing on creating a better work-life balance;
  • implementing hybrid work opportunities;
  • setting up a good employee management system.

➡️ Is your office space optimised for hybrid work? Check out our hybrid office calculator to discover how to improve your workspace and save costs!

7. Improve employee experience

Obviously, everyone likes it when things go smoothly and easily. Employees are no exception. A staff management tool helps facilitate the different procedures workers need to go through, like the recruitment process. This is critical for the human resources team as it is the first experience a potential recruit has with the organisation. A complicated recruitment or onboarding process can generate a negative image of the company or have a long-term negative effect on the employee and the business. How does your workforce give and collect feedback? Is it an easy procedure? The Employee Management System simplifies this process.

Employee performance is also an important aspect that you need to evaluate and consider. Staff management software indicates how your workers are performing. From this information, you can analyse their weaknesses and their strengths to attempt to find how to make the most of their hard and soft skills. Focusing on helping them make the most of their abilities does not only benefit your business but also their experience as an employee. They feel empowered, trusted and valued for who they are as a person and as a worker.

8. Simplify hybrid team management

While hybrid work has amazing outcomes for a company and its workers, it needs some organisation. Employee Management Systems help you to do that efficiently by keeping records about each employee in order. When implementing remote work in your business, you need to be prepared to attract talent from all around the world and be ready to manage a hybrid workforce. Who is located where? Are they working too many hours when operating from home? How do you make sure they are happy with their job and feel fulfilled in their career?

EMS supports you in tracking all that information while collecting feedback to improve the way we work and the employee experience. Communication is also critical when it comes to managing a hybrid team. As you now know, an HRMS contributes to better communication and coordination.

Because hybrid is now part of our new way of working, using an EMS with a hybrid management tool like deskbird is a must!

Employees at large wooden table with laptops discussing work
Managers collaborating with part of hybrid team.

An Employee Management Software is as beneficial for a company to keep a record of its workforce as it is for employees to perform better. Therefore, it is a component of the digital transformation happening in the workplace today. Technology, especially automation, is now part of every modern business and a driving force for talent attraction. Embracing the trends of the future of work also means providing hybrid opportunities. HRMS supports you in being organised, deskbird helps you embrace flexibility in the workplace. How do you manage employee hybrid planning? Can your employees come to the office whenever they want and have the workspace they need?

Discover our workspace booking app and its employee scheduling features to level up your employee experience!

Why use an employee management system? 8 benefits for companies

Paulyne Sombret

Paulyne is a highly respected expert in hybrid work. She's known for her writing on sustainability in the hybrid office, flexible work models, and employee experience. With a strong background in content and SEO, her work explores the exciting trends and latest news in the world of work.

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