Woman on video call
Hybrid work

15 shifting trends in how technology has changed the way we work


May 23, 2024


May 23, 2024

Digital tools are everywhere in our personal and professional lives. But how has technology changed the way we work? What are the positive outcomes of technological advancements, and oppositely, what are the downsides companies need to tackle? What should you expect regarding the role of technology in business in the upcoming years? We answer all these questions in this article to help you navigate the quickly-evolving professional tech landscape smartly, safely, and efficiently. So, let’s dig into this key topic and see how AI, automation, cloud-based solutions, e-L&D, and mobile computing (among others) are reshuffling the way we work and our vision of work. Here are 15 shifting trends that experts have concluded after analyzing the impact of technology on our way of working.

How has technology changed the way we work?

The use of AI has made the adoption of 4-day workweek schedules easier

According to the tech.co report about the impact of technology on the workplace 1, 90% of organizations that are AI-powered are open to implementing a four-day workweek model. In comparison, only 41% of businesses that have never used AI technologies would consider it. One of the key explanations for this shift is the productivity gain AI tools have to offer. By teaming up with AI solutions, people can carry out tasks more effectively and get more things done in a shorter amount of time, making the four-day workweek more accessible from a company and an employee point of view.

Mobile computing has facilitated the expansion of flexible work arrangements

Mobile computing has revolutionized work by untying employees from traditional office environments and enabling real-time collaboration from virtually any location. As highlighted in Deloitte's Report 2, this flexibility has been integral to expanding work arrangements, empowering people to work anytime and anywhere, and supporting diverse working styles and personal commitments. The ability to access work systems and data through any device has driven a cultural shift towards flexibility, enhancing work-life balance and improving job satisfaction for today's workforce.

Collaboration platforms and cloud-based solutions have boosted teams’ efficiency

Collaboration platforms and cloud-based solutions have significantly boosted team efficiency by streamlining communication and centralizing data. These tools allow for real-time updates and information exchanges, eliminating repetitive tasks and ensuring that team members remain on the same page regardless of where they work. Cloud storage has facilitated easy access to shared resources, enhancing seamless project management and coordination. The integration of these technologies reduces barriers to collaboration, enabling faster decision-making and greater productivity within teams spread across different locations.

AI has increased employee satisfaction and productivity

Artificial intelligence has also played a pivotal role in enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity within companies that utilize this tech advancement. According to the Deloitte report, 59% of employees report higher job satisfaction when AI is deployed in the workplace, as these tools alleviate mundane tasks, allowing staff to focus on more engaging and strategic work. Moreover, 72% attest that AI significantly bolsters organizational productivity. However, this is only valid for businesses that are using AI extensively. Overall, AI adaptation remains slow in 2024. 

The development of technology has increased IT work regarding cybersecurity risks

The rapid development of technology has notably impacted IT staff, particularly in managing cybersecurity risks. As systems become more complex and interconnected, the potential for cyber attacks expands, requiring IT professionals to adapt and update security protocols constantly. This technological advancement necessitates a proactive approach, embedding cybersecurity into the fabric of organizational infrastructure and demanding continuous vigilance. IT teams must now employ sophisticated tools and strategies to identify and mitigate risks preemptively, ensuring robust defense mechanisms are in place to protect against ever-evolving cyber attacks.

🚨Read our full article about cyber risk management!

Women using technology in the workplace
Women using technology in the workplace

e-L&D has offered more flexibility when it comes to training and developing new skills

Electronic Learning and Development (e-L&D) has transformed employee training by granting unparalleled flexibility and self-paced progression. With online platforms, workers can access a vast array of courses and resources from anywhere, effectively removing location and time constraints traditionally associated with professional development. This evolution not only supports individual learning styles but also allows for the customization of training paths to meet specific skill sets. As a result, workers have more flexibility and autonomy regarding the way they improve their capabilities to meet the demands of an ever-changing workplace landscape.

Digital tools have allowed more DEI practices in the workplace

Digitalization has been instrumental in fostering DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in the workplace by enabling inclusive work conditions for people with diverse needs. For example, it can help empower employees with disabilities or those living far from big cities to play a part in the professional landscape. Technology facilitates remote work and customized work setups. This effectively reduces barriers for individuals with different needs. In this regard, video conferencing and collaboration tools allow those who cannot commute to participate fully in the workforce, while adaptive technologies provide support for workers with impairments. This is one of the greater impacts of tech on the world of work. It gives everyone equal opportunities to thrive and contribute.

The adoption of technology has had a double-sided impact on work-life balance

Technological advancements present a double-edged sword for work-life balance. On one hand, they foster more flexibility at work, enabling employees to operate remotely and manage their schedules more freely, helping them to coordinate private and professional responsibilities efficiently. On the other hand, the omnipresence of tech can lead to the blurring of boundaries between work and personal time. Plus, the expectation of constant availability results in longer hours and potential burnout.

The rise of tech in the workplace has forced managers to review their leadership style

The swift advancement of technology in the workplace requires managers to reevaluate their leadership styles to successfully drive their teams with the ever-growing options of tech tools. Adapting management approaches is crucial for fostering an environment that is agile and responsive to technological innovation. Leaders need to emphasize continuous learning, digital literacy, and flexibility to ensure that their teams are empowered to leverage new tools effectively. Embracing these changes is essential for maintaining a competitive edge and nurturing a culture of innovation.

Workplace technology has enabled employees to embrace hybrid work more effectively

Hybrid work tools have been pivotal in adopting more flexible working arrangements, bridging the gap between remote and on-site environments. They support real-time collaboration across distances via video conferencing and cloud-based platforms, offer scheduling flexibility through desk booking software like deskbird, and maintain project efficiency with online management applications. Such tools facilitate seamless communication and resource sharing while empowering employees to tailor their work locations and hours to fit their individual needs and lifestyles.

Technology has changed our vision of work and triggered unhealthy patterns

However, as we've seen, the rise of technological advancements also has some downsides. We've talked about the double-edged sword regarding work-life balance. Yet, there are some consequences that impact your workforce's mental health as well, such as being constantly available and the expectation to promptly respond to work notifications at any time. This pervasive 'always-on' culture places workers under continuous stress, leading to potential disturbances during off-hours and increasing anxiety levels. Such patterns pose significant risks to mental health, increasing the likelihood of employee burnout.

Man on video call in coffee shop
Man using technology to work remotely

What should we expect next regarding the role of technology in business?

AR, MR, and VR technologies will change the way we interact and learn

Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Virtual Reality (VR) devices are set to revolutionize the workplace by enhancing how employees work, interact, and learn. These immersive technologies will provide experiential training, enable complex simulations for skill development, and foster collaborative environments across physical distances. By integrating digital information with the real world, AR and MR will help streamline workflows and assist in task completion. Meanwhile, VR solutions will create fully immersive spaces for meetings and creative brainstorming, paving the way for a future of innovative and interactive work practices.

The metaverse will also transform e-L&D and online collaboration

The metaverse is expected to revolutionize work by creating immersive, interactive spaces that enhance e-learning and development (e-L&D) and online collaboration. It will enable employees to learn through vivid, hands-on experiences that mirror real-life scenarios, boosting skill development and engagement. As for teamwork, the metaverse will break through the confines of current digital communication tools. It will allow colleagues to work side by side in a rich, virtual space that fosters a true sense of presence, making distant interactions feel more human and connected.

Automation, AI, and robots will continue to replace and create new jobs

 It's estimated that “85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 have not been invented yet", reflecting a seismic shift due to automation, AI, and robotics. These technologies are expected to rebuild the job landscape, replacing some positions while simultaneously generating new ones. As automation takes over routine tasks, new roles will emerge, particularly those demanding complex problem-solving, critical thinking, and creative capacities, abilities that machines can't reproduce. This predicts a new era of human-centric job opportunities and the need for adaptive skill sets.

The way we work will be based on soft skills and emotional intelligence

In the future, amidst rapid technological shifts, the essence of work will increasingly be based on soft skills and emotional intelligence. With machines and algorithms taking over technical and routine tasks, human-centric capabilities such as creativity, adaptability, teamwork, and understanding become paramount. Employees will differentiate themselves through abilities that technology cannot replicate. They will need to leverage these abilities to manage critical and creative thinking, effective communication, and provide an empathetic touch that technology cannot duplicate. This will position emotional intelligence as a vital determinant of professional success in a tech-dominated landscape. Yet, data and digital literacy will also be highly valuable in continuing to navigate the digital era.

Woman working on tablet and laptop
Technology in the workplace

You now have a better idea of how technology has changed the way we work. It has redefined our day-to-day activities, expectations, and capabilities. Automation, AI, and virtual collaboration platforms have made our work more efficient and allowed us to uncover a world where flexibility and digital literacy are paramount. As we navigate this ever-evolving digital frontier, our success will be measured by our ability to harmonize the strengths of technology with the unique qualities of the human brain. How is our technology changing the way you work? Request a free demo of the deskbird app to discover how our people-centric tool enhances a better employee experience and helps them make the most of their days in the office!

1 The Impact of Technology on the Workplace: 2024 Report, tech.co.

2 Digital workplace and culture How digital technologies are changing the workforce and how enterprises can adapt and evolve, Deloitte.

15 shifting trends in how technology has changed the way we work

Paulyne Sombret

Paulyne is a highly respected expert in hybrid work. She's known for her writing on sustainability in the hybrid office, flexible work models, and employee experience. With a strong background in content and SEO, her work explores the exciting trends and latest news in the world of work.

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