27 easy but powerful sustainability in the workplace ideas
September 13, 2022
October 1, 2024
Ready to transform your workplace into an eco-conscious hub? Here is a list of 27 easy yet powerful ideas for sustainability in the workplace. From AI-enabled tech solutions to in-office eco-friendly initiatives, we share practical and impactful strategies. Not only are these green ideas for businesses good for the environment, but they are also great for your bottom line. Discover how embracing sustainability can boost efficiency, cut costs, and attract eco-conscious talent.
Being more aligned with what the planet needs and what many people want doesn’t have to be boring, challenging, and costly. This article takes you through innovative approaches like low-impact transportation options, digital sustainability practices, and energy-saving tech upgrades that impress your team as much as your clients. Whether a small startup or a large corporation, these actionable tips help you build a greener, more sustainable future for your company and the world around you.
Ideas 1 to 6: using technology to increase sustainability in the workplace
1. Use innovative technology
Workplace technology provides you with many resources to mitigate your ecological footprint. Smart office technology has made reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions easier, from sensor devices to intelligent plugs and automated facility systems. Sustainability measurement tools are excellent for analyzing your economic, social, and environmental KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). AI technology also has a lot of solutions to offer to reverse our impact on the planet. It is a pivotal sector to look into.

2. Switch to digital work
Not only does digitalization decrease paper waste, but it also allows one to perform remote work without any constraints. Flexibility enables people to work from home more often and, therefore, reduces pollution caused by commuting. It means rethinking your office space planning, which can help you save energy and make sustainable improvements.
3. Promote digital sustainability in your workplace
It is sometimes hard to grasp the idea of “digital pollution,” as it is a phenomenon we cannot see. Yet, it is a real problem. One e-mail emits 10 g of CO2, and 60% of our e-mail box remains unopened. Although it can be challenging to prevent digital pollution, it is possible to put simple initiatives into place and encourage your team to do so. For example, avoiding unnecessary e-mails, unsubscribing to irrelevant newsletters, or promoting a sustainable search engine like Ecosia are great ways to lower your digital impact.
4. Choose a green website hosting
Another key action you can take to promote digital sustainability is to opt for green website hosting instead of a traditional one. Classic hosting solutions often rely on fossil fuels, consuming significant electricity and contributing to pollution. Green hosting combats these issues by utilizing renewable energy, optimizing energy use, and supporting eco-friendly practices. By choosing a more sustainable website host, you make a stand in reducing environmental impact by fostering a lower digital footprint while setting an example.
5. Become a paperless office
As we all know, our planet’s resources are not endless. For this reason, it is crucial to reduce our paper usage as much as possible. Solutions like office digitalization using tools like an interactive flipbook maker or paper alternatives like erasable stone paper notebooks help minimize waste and preserve forest and water resources.

6. Decrease the brightness of your screen
According to a Harvard University professor, decreasing your computer screen’s brightness from 100% to 70% can save up to 20% of the monitor’s energy. This is a simple green tip to promote your sustainable strategy. Your employees can adjust the lighting settings or switch to dark mode. Dark mode options help minimize eye strain, which can appear when working online daily. It’s a win-win, benefiting both the planet and your workers!
🌍 Learn more about digital transformation and sustainability!
Ideas 7 to 10: implementing workplace sustainability in all areas of your office
7. Shift to a green kitchen
Depending on the size of your organization, you may have a cafeteria or a dining area. And here, you can take some simple steps to go green. First, introduce initiatives to reach a zero-waste kitchen (non-disposable cups, cutlery, towels), including reusable coffee pods and opting for loose tea. Second, you could promote local and organic products and offer more vegetarian and vegan options.
8. Opt for cleaning products with sustainable labels
Using cleaning products that are neither harmful to our health nor the environment is a basic rule in a green office. Although it is a great alternative to chemical solutions, we won’t suggest you make your cleaning products. However, you can opt for items with eco-friendly certifications and labels. In addition, sustainable practices like using reusable supplies such as non-disposable cleaning cloths should be promoted.
9. Implement zero-waste and energy-saving bathroom solutions
Small changes can significantly contribute to minimizing our impact on the planet. For example, forget about paper towels and introduce automated hand air dryers. Many businesses also switch to water-efficient sink faucets to reduce water costs and consumption. The same goes for lighting. Installing sensors helps you save energy. You could also use recycled trash bin bags. These are just a few ideas for creating a greener bathroom.

10. Promote the powerful “3 Rs”
Promoting the powerful but simple concept of “reduce, reuse, and recycle” already makes you much more sustainable than most companies when building an eco-friendly business. This easy rule helps us conceptualize sustainability and has a huge impact. Share it with your teams and work together to achieve a common goal. The areas of action are endless, from reducing the use of disposable materials to reusing tech devices and recycling energy.
☘️ Check out our 17 green challenges for the office!
Ideas 11 to 16: turning your office space into a sustainable hub
11. Bypass printing or print double-sided when you can’t avoid it
Technological development and digitalization enable you to print much less than before. Generally, there is no need for paper documents. Switching to digital is also better for the planet, as you can always protect your online files with a security system.
12. Use LEDs for all your lighting system
Bringing more sustainability into your workplace doesn’t have to be complicated. Switching your lighting to LEDs, for example, is a really easy action with a powerful impact. LEDs consume significantly less energy than traditional bulbs, reducing electricity use and minimizing carbon footprints. They also have a longer lifespan, leading to decreased waste and lower maintenance costs. Additionally, LEDs provide better quality lighting, which can enhance employee productivity and comfort, making them a smart and eco-friendly choice for any company.
13. Switch to green and renewable energy
Reviewing the size of your office after switching to a hybrid work model will help you minimize your energy consumption. But what about the power you need to run your workspace? Your electricity provider choice can significantly impact your carbon footprint and your efforts to reduce it. Do you want to know how much you could save for your business and the planet? Check out the Big Clean Shift!

14. Create a workplace community for sustainability
Sustainability has become a core topic for many people. So why not create a workplace community for sustainability enthusiasts? It empowers employees to share ideas, learn together, and take collective action. You can host regular workshops, have open discussions, and start eco-friendly projects. This initiative drives meaningful change and enhances team spirit, making sustainability an integral part of your company culture.
15. Consider a BYOD policy for your team
With an efficient security system and policy, Bring-Your-Own Device (BYOD) policies help organizations minimize costs and impact on the planet. Imagine if everyone who works on a computer used the same equipment at home. This is the perfect example of the 3 Rs concept. By encouraging repairing rather than buying, you can reduce the number of specialized materials used and reuse or recycle equipment.
16. Educate your staff about phantom power usage and reduce it
Did you know your laptop keeps consuming energy when it remains plugged even though you’ve closed it? Well, you’re not the only one, and your colleagues might not be aware of this either. It’s called phantom power usage or standby power. It occurs when electronic devices consume electricity while turned off or in standby mode. Reducing it is essential for sustainable office practices because it cuts unnecessary energy waste, lowers utility bills, and decreases the overall carbon footprint. So, from now on, make unplugging all devices your new habit!
👉 Read our complete guide about sustainability in the office!
Ideas 17 to 21: encouraging and supporting sustainable commuting/travel solutions
17. Choose ground transportation instead of flying

Flying has become an essential part of our personal and professional lives. However, this is the most polluting means of transport and should be the last option. Consider taking trains whenever possible or carpooling if your team needs to drive somewhere even better if one of them has an electric car! Promoting ground transportation is tangible proof of alignment with your sustainable values. Do you have supercomuters among your team? If possible, encourage them to take the train too. Otherwise, letting them work more often from home can also be a solution to reduce their CO2 impact.
18. Promote the idea of using public transport to get to work
Many people have a habit of going to work by car. Why not use public transportation when you live too far from the office to bike or walk there? Encouraging your employees to take the train, the bus, or the subway is a great idea to reduce their CO2 emissions even before arriving on-site.
19. Encourage biking or walking when the office is close by
If your workers live close to the office, try encouraging them to walk or bike. It’s the most sustainable way to commute! Moreover, including more physical activity in our daily lives is good for our health and increases our capacity to focus and be productive. It’s a win-win.

20. Create an employee car-sharing community
Are some of your team members living in the same neighborhoods? Then you should discuss developing a car-sharing process with them. If they agree that taking only one car instead of four makes sense, set up a matching system for employees with similar routes. This initiative fosters eco-friendly habits, helps your staff save on commuting costs, and enhances team bonding.
21. Keep your corporate events local
We are sure there are plenty of beautiful locations in the area where your organization is based. While taking the plane and gathering your team for a corporate getaway abroad sounds fun and exciting, it does pretty match the idea of getting more sustainable. So, for future team events, research your surroundings and plan your next company retreat more locally. On top of avoiding flying and lowering your carbon footprint, you’ll support local businesses and make your employees discover new places nearby!
💜 Have a look at our corporate event planning checklist for a successful gathering!
Ideas 22 to 27: boosting sustainability in your workplace with assertive communication and actions
22. Measure your carbon footprint and set realistic goals
Do you know where to focus your sustainable efforts? How do you set realistic goals to make your company more socially and environmentally oriented? Measuring your carbon footprint and social impact is essential before creating a green policy and implementing eco-friendly actions. It would help you define clear objectives, see your progression over time, and keep improving.
23. Share information and green tips with your team
When you decide to include environmentalism in your business strategy, communicating about your initiatives, results, and actions is the first step to making it happen. You can, for example, organize a meeting every quarter to discuss this topic. Another idea is to train your teams on sustainability and share relevant tips they can implement at work and home.

24. Be clear with your partners about your sustainability requirements
Focusing on ethical and environmental practices is great. However, your efforts will be worthless if your partners and suppliers don’t share the same vision and values. You must communicate your strategy to develop a more sustainable business model and share what expectations you have of your partners. In this way, they can better understand your standards and contribute to the positive changes.
25. Spread the word to increase the introduction of sustainable workplace ideas
The goal is to show other organizations how sustainable ideas can be implemented and why they are environmentally, socially, and economically beneficial. This will inspire other companies to introduce similar practices. In the corporate industry, creating a greener environment has a much more significant impact than individual actions. Therefore, motivating more businesses to do the same is crucial.
26. Organize workshops, webinars, and conferences around sustainability
Organizing sustainability-focused workshops, webinars, and conferences should also be part of sustainability in the workplace strategy. By educating employees and inspiring eco-friendly actions, these events facilitate knowledge sharing, encourage innovative solutions, and foster a culture of environmental responsibility.
27. Get an official environmental certification
A sustainable certification confirms your commitment and shows you have a legitimate and relevant environmental management system (EMS). Your efforts in implementing effective green and social practices can enable you to become certified by the International Standard on Environmental Management (ISO 14001) or B Corp. These two certifications are globally known and trusted. Reducing your CO2 impact at the source should be your primary focus, with carbon offsetting as a last resort. By implementing these 27 ideas for sustainability in the workplace, your business can forge a path toward a greener, more efficient work environment. The challenge is set. The tools are at your disposal. Now, it’s time to transform your organization into a hub of sustainability, setting a new standard for the business world. Are you ready to lead the charge?
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