woman working at home from desk

Hybrid office solution: why all flexible offices should invest in one


July 31, 2023


September 27, 2024

Cost-saving tips



Do you use a hybrid office solution? Many businesses, if not the majority, have embraced a more flexible working style over the last couple of years. It ranges from letting employees work from anywhere to enabling flexitime and offering more flexible types of contracts

While these modern practices initially started as an answer to continue meeting workers’ expectations and boosting satisfaction, organizations also benefit greatly from granting more flexibility at work

With the right approach and tools, remote work allows you to reduce your office space needs, for example. Technology like a hybrid workplace management system supports you in running a flexible office by helping you make wise decisions, improve work environments, and minimize expenditures

Are you interested in learning more regarding this topic and saving costs? Great, then just keep reading!

What is a hybrid office solution, and how does it work?

A must-have tool to manage your flexible workspace

A hybrid office solution is a tool that supports organizations in running a workplace where employees are entitled to flexible work arrangements. For example, some of your team members might be willing to come on-site on Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Wednesday from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. and work from home the rest of the week. 

But how do you keep track of all of these different schedules and maintain smooth and efficient collaboration? Modern technology, such as a hybrid workplace management system, makes running and improving the physical workspace as well as leading a hybrid workforce much easier.

A key support system for hybrid employees and businesses

The main goal of such a tool is to provide a solution so that businesses and employees can enjoy all of the advantages of hybrid work while also overcoming the challenges.

From a company point of view, a hybrid office platform enables HR and team leaders to know who is working where and when while also enhancing teamwork and productivity. It helps Facility and CRE professionals to improve the office space by making data-driven decisions. Lastly, it is a central resource for finance managers to optimize and reduce office costs.

From an employee perspective, a hybrid workplace management system is a key support element. It allows them to coordinate their schedule easily, collaborate with their colleagues better, and book the space they need (desk, meeting room, parking slot, etc.).

📆 Start a free trial of the deskbird app to give your employees more flexibility with workspace booking and week planning while saving costs!

Person on laptop on couch
Person working from comfort of their home

How does using a hybrid office solution help you save costs?

Workspace occupancy and use analysis

Using a hybrid office solution gives you clear data about your office space usage and occupancy. It helps you determine what the most used workspaces are and which ones are lacking. 

For example, when team members work hybridly, they often wish to work on collaborative projects when on-site. Therefore, you might realize that the meeting rooms are constantly booked, sometimes even creating scheduling conflicts. Meanwhile, the single workstations available in the open space remain unoccupied. 

By getting a clear understanding of your office use, you can determine the needs of your workforce and optimize the office based on relevant data and your analysis. These resources are crucial to improve your workspace and can bring about the following benefits.

Office space downsizing

Knowing how your hybrid workforce uses the physical workspace also enables you to determine if the office size matches your needs. 

Many businesses went from a traditional work model with team members working on-site every day to a flexible work model. If this is your case, there is a high chance you could benefit from office space downsizing while still meeting employee needs and creating a great office experience. 

Downsizing is a great solution to reduce your expenses in various areas. Not only does it allow you to decrease rental costs, but it also lowers your energy and maintenance bills.

Facility management optimization

Using the analytics provided by your hybrid workplace management system, you can also optimize your facility management costs. You can combine this tool with other smart office technology to track facility management KPIs. This allows CRE and facility professionals to make better decisions regarding maintenance, security, and space optimization. In the long run, these adjustments and improvements build a more efficient work environment and decrease business costs.

🎬 Follow deskbird on YouTube and discover how Mr. Purple helps you fix your hybrid work issues!

Empty meeting room
Empty meeting room

Collaboration and productivity

As mentioned earlier, the “work from anywhere” model initially aims at answering employees’ expectations and improving job satisfaction. Therefore, working hybrid shouldn’t be a source of stress for your team members and compromise their ability to work efficiently. 

Unfortunately, it sometimes causes stress when companies implement a flexible work policy without making any changes to help the team adapt to this new way of working. The role of the office changes when workers come on-site only a few days a week or a month. The way they work together is also impacted. 

A hybrid workplace management system helps you adapt to this modern working approach. By optimizing the workspace based on data and providing your staff with a tool to coordinate their schedule easily, you enable better collaboration and productivity among your workforce. These two aspects highly contribute to greater quality output and business growth.

Employee experience and satisfaction

If you choose a hybrid office solution like the deskbird app, you make sure your employees have access to a user-friendly and employee-centric tool to help them in their daily work lives. They can:

  • create their hybrid schedule in a few clicks;
  • instantly modify their timetable when an unexpected event pops up;
  • book their favorite workstation via the desk booking system;
  • check the interactive floor plan to find their teammates easily;
  • and much more. 

Of course, this tool alone is not what is going to make your staff happy and satisfied, but it definitely contributes to improving employee experience and satisfaction. These two aspects are crucial to retain and attract talent, reducing the costs of workforce turnover.

Why is deskbird the best hybrid workspace management system?

User-friendly and employee-centric design

Although it is in their interest, most human beings are often reluctant to change. If you provide them with complex tools, you are going to create more stress and frustration than anything else. Remember, the main goal of allowing flexible work arrangements is to make your staff happy and satisfied, not the other way around.

For this reason, the deskbird team has worked hard to develop a hybrid office solution that is user-friendly and employee-centric. We always take into consideration workers’ needs and adjust to new requirements.

Tailored-made to your needs

However, we also pay close attention to the problems organizations encounter when implementing a flexible work model. How to keep track of who is working, where and when? Should you redesign the office to better match this new working style? How can we encourage people to work on-site more often?

Therefore, when you decide to use the deskbird app, we help you create the best work environment for your hybrid team by adapting to the needs of your business. The whole platform is tailored-made to the size of your facilities, the number of employees, the type of workspaces you offer, and so on.

Constant upgrades and new features

With the rise of technology and the changes triggered by Millennials and Gen Z employees, the world of work is moving fast. The rules and best practices in the workplace are constantly evolving. As a modern and people-focused company, not only do we keep a close eye on this, but we also listen carefully to our clients’ feedback. This enables us to provide you with a hybrid office solution that is future-proof and answers your needs.

💡 Check out our customers’ reviews to discover what our users think about the deskbird app!

Seamless and efficient integrations on all your operating systems

Last but not least, like you, we want to foster efficiency and productivity. The deskbird hybrid office solution can be integrated into all your operating systems. No more need to go from one screen to another, from Slack to MS Teams and Google Calendar; our tool is by your side on all your other working platforms. This simplifies your life and the ones of your employees while making your workflow seamless and efficient. 

How do you manage your flexible office? Have you succeeded in lowering your costs with this new working style? Do you already use a hybrid work solution?

If not, we hope this article helps you understand the purpose of this crucial tool and its benefits for your organization and your workforce. If yes, is your current hybrid workplace management system matching your needs and those of your team members? 

Start a free trial of the deskbird app to discover how our technology works and how we can support you in making your workspace efficient, future-proof, and employee-centric

Hybrid office solution: why all flexible offices should invest in one

Paulyne Sombret

Paulyne is a highly respected expert in hybrid work. She's known for her writing on sustainability in the hybrid office, flexible work models, and employee experience. With a strong background in content and SEO, her work explores the exciting trends and latest news in the world of work.

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