39 work-life balance examples for happy and productive employees
July 15, 2024
December 14, 2024
While employees are rethinking how much time they want to dedicate to work, burnout rates keep increasing like never before. The gap between theory and practice, between what could help workers be less stressed and more balanced and what they are experiencing daily, is massive. Improving employee work-life balance is as valuable for your staff as much as for your business growth.
You can promote and implement 39 work-life balance examples to support your team members in the quest for better work-life harmony. Some are obvious and have become well known, like adopting flexible work arrangements and inclusive practices. Others are less talked about but as essential as letting go of the pursuit of personal perfection and finding one’s purpose. Are you ready to learn how to improve work-life balance for employees and enhance your workforce’s happiness, productivity, and well-being?
What are work-life balance examples?
Work-life balance examples include activities to promote, initiatives to implement, and efforts to make as employers or managers to help your staff better balance their personal and professional lives. They are organizational shifts that improve your workers’ lives while boosting their engagement, satisfaction, creativity, autonomy, and productivity.
How can you improve your employees’ work-life balance?
1. Understand the unique needs of your team members
Before implementing any work-life balance initiatives, you must understand that each person’s definition of work-life balance differs. Some people, especially the Millennial generation, describe it as the ability to blend personal and work time, calling it “work-life integration” to better balance their private and professional lives. But for many others, it means drawing a clear line between both.

2. Tell your employees to slow down on the pursuit of perfection
As the latest work-life balance statistics reveal, individual perfection is the main factor (32.8%) preventing people from reaching a better work-life balance. Accepting that imperfection is part of personal and professional growth is crucial. Yet, creating trust in your work environment is paramount to enabling your staff to let go of their pursuit of perfection without being worried about the impact it could have on their careers.
3. . Value task completion more than the time clock
Shifting towards a results-oriented culture is essential in helping people reach a better work-life balance. Task completion is what matters. Fundamentally, leaders and employees understand that they can relinquish the rigid adherence to the time clock. Allowing more flexibility in their schedule is key to managing personal and professional responsibilities efficiently.
4. Allow hybrid work in your company
If a key organizational change has happened over the last couple of years that has truly enhanced work-life balance, it is adopting hybrid work models. Letting your staff work from home or a third workplace is a game changer that allows them to effectively schedule their calendar to balance personal and professional commitments.
🎥 Discover in this two-minute video how deskbird helps you manage your hybrid workplace successfully and boost the on-site employee experience!
5. Enable flexitime
Together with hybrid work, flexitime is another flexible work arrangement that massively supports work-life balance practices. By choosing their hours, your team members can more effectively manage family responsibilities, pursue hobbies, and attend to health needs, facilitating a harmonious work-life integration.

6. Implement asynchronous working practices
Asynchronous collaboration and communication empower employees to complete tasks outside a strict schedule at their most productive times. For instance, some virtual meetings can be replaced by a recorded video that team members can watch at their earliest convenience. This autonomy helps balance personal commitments with work, leading to reduced pressure and a more customized work-life equilibrium.
7. Offer part-time jobs
There might be times in your team members’ lives when they cannot work full-time. Part-time job options enable them to continue working while balancing personal responsibilities. They no longer have to choose between their professional or private lives, which removes stress and helps them fulfill their needs during this period of their lives.
8. Try job sharing
Job-sharing splits one full-time position between two people, allowing each to work fewer hours while maintaining career progression. This setup affords employees more time for personal pursuits and family care, improving overall well-being and work-life balance.
9. Implement compressed work weeks
Many organizations have been experimenting with the four-day workweek model with positive results over the last few years. A compressed schedule condenses full-time hours into fewer days, allowing workers to enjoy an extra day to enjoy the weekend. This additional day off each week affords more dedicated time for rest, hobbies, and family, significantly enhancing the balance between professional and private life.
💜 Discover more examples of flexibility at work!
10. Facilitate workstation
A workstation is the perfect solution for employees who consider balancing their work and private lives. This concept allows team members to change settings without consuming their leave days. By working remotely from chosen locations, they can rejuvenate in new environments by effectively combining relaxation with productivity.
11. Allow sabbatical leave
For many, completely cutting from work for a few months is the best decision they ever made for themselves and their careers. Sabbatical leaves offer employees an extended break from professional lives for private development or rest, which can lead to renewed focus and energy when they return. This prolonged time off contributes to achieving balance by allowing for deep personal pursuits or restorative downtime.

12. Grant parental leave
Becoming a parent is a pivotal moment in everybody’s lives. Balancing personal, professional, and parental lives requires some time for adaptation. Parental leave allows your staff to focus on their new family responsibilities without the stress of work obligations. This critical time off removes the pressure of juggling professional and personal roles and gives them time to think about ways to keep a healthy work-life balance.
13. Offer paid time off
Offering paid time off (PTO) gives employees compensated breaks for rest and personal activities. This benefit respects their need for leisure and recovery while preventing burnout. Moreover, it shows your support for a holistic approach to staff well-being, fostering a sustainable work-life balance.
14. Encourage your employees to take some vacation
For various reasons, some people think twice before requesting a few days off or weeks of vacation, even though their body and mind signal that they need rest. You must encourage your staff to take some time off when required. Burnout rates are rising, and you don’t want them to reach the breaking point (from a physical and psychological point of view).
15. Provide in-office childcare
This is one of the most relevant examples of work-life balance that we can share. By providing on-site childcare facilities, you enable your team members to work with the reassurance that their little ones are nearby and cared for. This convenience reduces the logistical stress of childcare arrangements. It makes it super easy to transition between professional and parent roles.

16. Support super commuters
Supporting super commuters who face long travel times through flexible working hours schedules or remote work options reduces commute-related stress and fatigue. Not only does this consideration increase your employees’ time for personal commitments and rest, but it also enables you to improve supercommuters’ job satisfaction and boost talent retention.
17. Focus on promoting equity and inclusion in the workplace
Work-life balance, equity, and inclusion are all connected. Promoting workplace equity and inclusion ensures all employees feel valued and supported, regardless of background or personal circumstances. Such practices can lead to tailored arrangements, like flexible hours for caregivers, for instance. They respect your workforce’s diverse needs and contribute to a healthier work-life balance for everyone.
👋 Read our article about DEIB in the workplace!
18. Build a people-centric corporate culture
Fostering a people-centric corporate culture prioritizes employee well-being and creates an environment that values personal time, health, and self-care. This approach encourages work-life balance through policies and attitudes that support flexible working arrangements. It also shows that people thrive professionally when their needs are met.

19. Implement a workplace pet policy
A workplace pet policy can alleviate the stress of pet care during work hours and foster a more relaxed atmosphere. Pet-friendly offices reduce worries associated with long periods away from their companions, enhancing job satisfaction and promoting a more harmonious balance between work responsibilities and private life.
20. Encourage your staff to take a break outside
Encourage your coworkers to move from their desks (at home or in the office), get some fresh air, and switch off for a few minutes during lunch break or other resting times. You can also allow them to take an hour’s pause whenever they feel the need to. They will return recharged and more relaxed, which means they will be more eager to be engaged, productive, and creative.
21. Focus on having mobile-enabled technology
Ensuring remote access to work tools allows employees to manage their tasks from any location, fitting work around their lives rather than vice versa. This autonomy can reduce commute stress and create a more adaptable professional environment for improved work-life balance.
📆 Start a free trial of the deskbird app to give your team members more flexibility with workspace booking and week planning while saving costs!
22. Support mental health
Implementing mental health practices like mental health days can help employees better manage stress and personal challenges, encouraging healthier lifestyles. By providing tools for mental well-being, such as counseling or mindfulness programs, your staff can navigate work and private responsibilities more effectively, improving balance and productivity.

23. Create a physical fitness corner
Depending on your office’s size, designing a space for physical activities or subsidizing sports memberships when space is limited encourages employees to integrate exercise into their daily routines. This convenience fosters a healthier lifestyle, reduces stress, and is key to harmonizing personal wellness with work commitments.
24. Set boundaries
Remember, your employees should set clear boundaries between work and private time to help prevent burnout and overwork. You can also enable them to do so by implementing policies. For example, one could be that emails sent after 6 PM are not expected to be answered until the next workday. This concrete boundary safeguards personal time by drawing a clear line between on-duty and off-duty hours.
25. Initiate resource groups
Creating (in-person and virtual) resource groups within your company provides your team members with collective support and shared knowledge on managing work and life demands. These communities can offer guidance, advocate for employee-centric policies, and foster a supportive culture that acknowledges and addresses the unique challenges of balancing life’s aspects.
26. Set up an employee assistance program
On the same note, launching an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can also be a great way to help your employees find a better work-life balance. Those programs offer confidential counseling services for personal and work-related issues, enabling your coworkers to resolve challenges that might impact their work-life balance.
27. Provide personal finances and investment support
Financial and investment support helps employees gain control over their economic stability, reducing anxiety associated with financial uncertainty. Companies can ease a significant life source of stress by equipping staff with tools and advice to manage their finances effectively. For some people, this can genuinely foster a healthier work-life balance.
28. Set realistic expectations for your team members
Managers also have a crucial role in fostering an environment that enhances work-life balance for employees. Setting realistic expectations for workloads and deadlines prevents overcommitment and undue stress, allowing team members to perform optimally without sacrificing personal time. This approach respects your staff’s limited time and energy, contributing to a sustainable work-life balance.
💜 Read our article about team expectations (+ free template to download)!
29. Share workload equally among your team
Equitably sharing workload among team members ensures no one is overwhelmed and can maintain a healthy work pace. This collective responsibility allows for a supportive work environment where personal time is respected and better chances for reaching a good work-life balance.
30. Organize time management training
How many of us have already wished the days were longer so we could finish the to-do list? Suggesting that your staff attend time management training can be a great way to help them organize their agenda better and gain efficiency. This could help them make more time for their personal lives, thus fostering a more balanced lifestyle.
31. Teach your team members prioritization and when to say “no”
To support your team members’ mental health, it is essential to remind them of the importance of learning to say “no” and setting boundaries when things get too hectic. Prioritizing tasks that align with their capacity and goals helps them avoid over-commitment. This soft skill is crucial for maintaining a manageable workload, reducing stress, and ensuring ample time for personal life.
32. Help your employees find their purpose
Guiding employees to find their purpose in life can enhance life and job fulfillment. When work aligns with personal passions and strengths, it feels less burdensome. It blends seamlessly with overall life satisfaction and fosters a natural work-life balance. To learn more about this aspect, we encourage you to check the Japanese concept called Ikigaï.
👉 Check out our interview with David Blum to learn more about the search for purpose!
33. Offer reskilling and upskilling opportunities
When people intend to grow personally, they also aspire to evolve professionally. Their capacity to acquire new skills at work goes hand in hand with their ability to progress personally. By offering them career development and learning opportunities, you give them the chance to be aligned and fulfilled in all aspects of their lives. Plus, it benefits your business, too!
34. Encourage and support volunteering initiatives
Volunteering allows employees to engage in meaningful activities beyond work, fostering a sense of community and personal fulfillment. This engagement boosts morale and provides a refreshing break from routine tasks, contributing significantly to your team members’ work-life balance.
35. Organize social events at work
While doing a job with purpose plays a key role in helping employees experience a greater work-life balance, creating meaningful work bonds also matters. Organizing social events fosters camaraderie and a sense of community within the company. It enables your team members to connect in another setting and build relationships beyond their professional tasks.
36. Support your staff with their hobbies
Supporting employees’ hobbies demonstrates recognition of their individuality and encourages work-life integration. For example, facilitating flexible hours for a runner to train for marathons allows for personal fulfillment, which translates into a happier, more balanced, and thus more engaged workforce.
37. Train managers about the importance of work-life balance
Managers are on the first line when it comes to impacting employee work-life balance (positively or negatively). Training managers in work-life balance principles equips them to identify stress factors and encourage reasonable workloads. Informed leaders can advocate for flexible scheduling and recognize the need for private time, fostering an environment where people can thrive professionally and personally.
38. Value macro over micromanagement
Micromanagement is one of the worst enemies of work-life balance. However, encouraging macro-leadership practices enhances employee autonomy. It fosters trust and confidence in their decision-making. This empowerment grants flexibility, enabling staff to effectively coordinate their professional and personal responsibilities. This is essential to reducing stress and encouraging a sustainable work-life balance.
🧠 Learn more about the psychological effects of micromanagement!
39. Ask your employees how they feel
Finally, our last tip might sound super obvious, but as we said, “Prevention is better than cure.” Simply check on your team members and ask them how they feel. They might not dare tell you that they have their heads underwater. It’s always better to tackle a work-life balance problem at the beginning than once it’s too late and your staff is already burned out or completely disengaged.
Fostering a healthy balance between work and private lives is essential for your employees and the company’s success. Implementing a few work-life balance examples outlined in this article can help your teams thrive professionally while enjoying satisfying personal lives. From encouraging flexible scheduling and time off to offering time management training and mental health support, each tactic is critical in creating an equilibrium that benefits all. As the lines between work and home increasingly blur, organizations and individuals must prioritize balance to ensure long-term success and happiness. You now know 39 ways to improve work-life balance for your employees.
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