Real stories from deskbird users

Over 5,000 workplaces worldwide run smoother with deskbird. Learn more about how they succeeded.

trusted by market leaders worldwide

deskbird has become an indispensable tool for hybrid work for us - both for employees and our management.

Michael Elsing

Head of Internal IT DACH

One of the few apps that we all like to use often!

Frank Bühler

Team Lead IT - Enterprise - Workplace

With deskbird, we are well equipped to get people to check office attendance numbers when making decisions about their in-office or remote days.

Giulia Peila

Office Manager - Dermaceutic Laboratoire

Our customers’ success stories

Read how big and small businesses elevate their workplace experience and bring value to their employees using deskbird.

How Nexters shifted from in-house solution to deskbird

NPO Torino's success story

Navigating the hybrid workplace with deskbird

MR Datentechnik goes deskbird

How LOOPING GROUP used deskbird

How Testbirds chose deskbird

Efficiency redefined: why Headstart Studios swears by deskbird

Revolutionizing the way to study & work with IU and deskbird

Excellence based on 400+ reviews

190+ reviews
50+ reviews
250+ reviews

Easy to use!

It has been very easy to implement deskbird, it is very easy to use and has very user-friendly interface. Additionally, the mobile application is very useful.


What truly sets deskbird apart is its commitment to flexibility

In today's dynamic work environment, having the ability to choose where and when I work is invaluable. With deskbird, I can easily find and book spaces on-the-go, making my workdays more productive and less stressful.


Fully integrated into MS Teams

Easy-to-use, clear and intuitive interface. Fully integrated into MS Teams. Does exactly what it's supposed to do. During our rollout, friendly and very helpful support.


Simplify your workplace 
management today