Introducing hybrid work policies: when flexibility meets office attendance!
August 3, 2024
September 30, 2024
Finding the perfect balance between flexibility and compliance is a top priority for organizations. deskbird is thrilled to announce our latest feature designed to do just that — hybrid work policies!
Imagine a world where you can efficiently implement and manage hybrid work strategies, ensuring productivity, office attendance, and employee satisfaction. Well, that world is here with deskbird!
Manage office attendance policies at a glance
Say goodbye to the rigid work schedules of the past!
Global admins can now set a number of minimum days employees are expected to be in the office or work from home. This flexibility empowers employees to choose the specific days that suit them best while making sure they are in the office at the right time for maximum collaboration.
Navigate to the Admin Portal, head to the hybrid work policies tab, and click the Add policy button. Enter any information required and voila! You've got a flexible attendance policy ready to go. You can now define how many remote/on-site days and fixed days your policy includes for your team.
Share your policy with the right people
Customization is critical, and deskbird knows it!
Admins can assign policies individually or to teams or apply them company-wide. Whether you're managing a group or are responsible for an entire organization, the process is as simple as typing in a name!

Guarantee a flexible approach
Flexibility extends beyond just choosing work days.
Admins can define which status options are considered on-site or remote. This helps employees easily understand what counts as an office day. Whether it's business trips or online workshops, you can customize the status settings to fit your company's unique needs.

Quick overview from the deskbird feed
No more guessing games! Employees can now view their office attendance directly from their deskbird feed, which is available on both web and mobile apps. This feature provides a quick overview of the required and completed office or home days, making compliance a breeze.

A win-win for managers and employees
How convenient is it to have everything on one dashboard?
Our hybrid work policies automatically overview attendance, saving time and minimizing errors. This allows managers to focus on what truly matters while employees can efficiently plan their week within a clear framework, enhancing productivity.
This not only boosts productivity but also enhances overall job satisfaction. Plus, your organization will have significant cost savings with time saved on manual attendance management. It's a win-win for everyone!

More exciting features coming soon
This is just the beginning!
Our team is working on exciting new improvements, including:
- Editing, scheduling, or temporarily deactivating policies.
- Assigning policies to particular user groups.
- Providing high-level analytics for hybrid work policies.
- Exporting reports that show who follows the policy and who does not.
Stay tuned for these fantastic features to make hybrid work more efficient and enjoyable!
Ready to simplify your workplace?
Experience the perfect blend of flexibility and compliance with deskbird's hybrid work policies!
Book a demo today and see how we can help your organization thrive in the hybrid work era.